Antalet döda i årets värmebölja i Frankrike 1500 mot 2003 års 15000

I en artikel nyligen förklarar Frankrikes hälsominister att man uppskattar att sommarens extremvärme skördade 1500 offer, men att det i sig var en tiondel av antalet som dog under värmeböljan 2003: Agnes Buzyn, speaking on France Inter radio Sunday, said there were over 1,000 more deaths that the annual average for the time of the… Fortsätt läsa Antalet döda i årets värmebölja i Frankrike 1500 mot 2003 års 15000

Solving problems? You should be collecting them.

Problems are beautiful, and they are among the most interesting things you can come across. You should consider each problem you are faced with as if it was a rare and thoughtful gift (failures are like this too, as Karl Jaspers noted: failures are small ciphers sent to you from God). Often we are annoyed… Fortsätt läsa Solving problems? You should be collecting them.